Home Home Improvement Best Tactics to Curb the Spread of Lyme and other Tick-Borne Diseases

Best Tactics to Curb the Spread of Lyme and other Tick-Borne Diseases


The tick is a blood-sucking parasite that primarily relies on human and animal blood for survival. The ectoparasite serves as a host for Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria, which is known to cause Lyme disease in both animals and humans.

The control of the tick infestation is not as straightforward as the stubborn parasite has adaptive mechanisms that make it almost unrecognizable in the environment. The pest hides in bushes and tall grasses and can attach to the body of its preferred host after contact.

The following are the best methods to prevent its health effects on both animals and humans:

Mechanical destruction of its habitat

The tick has various developmental stages and requires a conducive environment for proper growth and maturation. Ticks will typically hide in bushes and tall grass as they wait for an unsuspecting host. The best way to prevent the growth of the ectoparasites is to destroy the physical habitat and ensure your compound is clear and clean.

Tick control Detroit can help you in the proper elimination of the ticks in your homestead and farm. The physical control mechanism will leave the parasite vulnerable to harsh external environment conditions, thus leading to death.

Also, you can remove unnecessary materials from your garden, such as old pieces of furniture, that can be a habitat for the parasites.

Wearing of protective gear

The ticks attach themselves to the skin of a human and animal and later penetrate the physical barrier and reach the blood vessels. Upon the first bite of the parasite, deposition of harmful bacteria occurs, leading to Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases.

The wearing of protective gear prevents the tick from coming into contact with the skin. If you are operating in a ground that you believe is manifested by these parasites, you can wear long-sleeved shirts and boots.

Chemical control of the parasites

The chemical control method involves two different aspects. The first is to use pesticides and directly spray on the ticks. The chemicals will kill the ticks in their different developmental stages and prevent a further continuation of the species.

The second method involves using resistant chemicals on your clothes and skin. The smell will produce a sensory stimulus that is confusing to the parasites and will not detect a viable host in proximity.

Creation of physical barriers

Physical barriers can help in the prevention of tick migration from areas of manifestation to your homestead. The boundaries need to be robust not to allow penetration of the parasites. You can place gravel or wood chips in areas that are wooded to act as physical barriers.

Bottom Line

Ticks are dangerous parasites to both animals and humans. Due to their blood-sucking characteristics, they can cause blood deficiency in the body of the host. Also, they have toxic bacteria that they can transfer to the hosts and lead to Lyme and other tick-borne diseases. It is best to incorporate the best tick preventive measures to secure your health and that of your pets.