Home Home Improvement 3 Ways to Get Your Home Inspection Ready

3 Ways to Get Your Home Inspection Ready


Moving offers many exciting prospects. One can give themselves new opportunities by relocating, and one can get closer to one’s dream home by making a purchase. However, buying or even selling a house is no cakewalk. There are risks to making a hasty purchase or sale because the building needs to be able to pass an inspection in order to be livable, and failing to meet this requirement can reduce the price a seller is able to charge. Here’s what you need to know about passing a home inspection.

Water Damage

Water damage is a common problem that builds very slowly over time, but it remains one of the biggest long-term viability issues for homes. Water damage occurs when wood endures excess moisture for extended periods, and it causes the warping and rotting of wood, which degrades a house’s structural integrity significantly. Water damage takes a while to build up, but this makes it a more extensive problem. Water damage can start with a simple leak in the roof of a house before it starts to gradually damage the crawlspace or attic, at which point it can penetrate further into the house, and so on. Another common problem that can cause water damage is leaking pipes. Faulty plumbing is often a more insidious problem, because there’s no guarantee that the water will make itself known from falling from above. In order to have your plumbing fixed or assessed, begin looking for “plumbing companies Geneva IL” as soon as you suspect a plumbing problem.

Loose Fixtures

Another insidious problem in houses is the gradual loosening of various screws that can potentially render a doorknob more difficult to use or create a liability with loose railing. This problem is largely inevitable, because the screws and other fasters are only there in the first place to secure fixtures against the wear and tear they will naturally accrue. However, even a faulty doorknob can eventually become unusable, or a light fixture might come completely loose and fall, both of which can create emergency situations. Therefore, tightening screws on these fixtures is an essential part of bringing your home to inspection standards. During this process, one should also go ahead and keep an eye out for stray insects that have gotten trapped in light fixtures, for example, and it’s often a good idea to clean a light fixture periodically, if only to improve the clarity of the glass and improve the amount of light that can fill the room.

Cracked Foundation

A damaged foundation can be an extremely detrimental problem, as it can cause a shifting of your home’s structure that can cause additional damage and, in extreme cases, the collapse of your house. However, not all cracks are worth worrying about. Keeping an eye out and having an idea of which cracks are meaningless and which indicate a structural problem are essential to preserving the integrity of your home. Looking for cracks is the best way to assess the extent of the damage, but warning signs are more varied. Signs like split walls, leaning walls, or jammed windows can signal that some kind of damage has occurred, though none of these signs indicate serious damage on their own. Assuming you catch it in time, repairing a cracked foundation can be fairly simple. Simply moistening the crack and filling it with cement mixture can often do the trick.

Getting a home inspection ready can be a hassle, but it’s something that needs to be done. Whether you’re selling a house or buying it, the home needs to be inspected, and you either need to ensure quality for a high selling price or ensure that you know how to make the home you plan to buy a livable space. While it may seem daunting, many of the problems you may encounter have simple and affordable fixes, and when that’s not the case, there are plenty of trained professionals that can help your home cross the finish line.